If you are serious about seeing growth in your business and making more money with your senior portraits, this challenge was created just for you. Picture daily, 10-minute video lessons where I'll walk you through how to launch your application - and an online community to ask me questions + get accountability along the way. 

    5 days to launching your spokesmodel program

    Lessons included:

    An inside look at the growth of my spokesmodel team over the last 10 years and how I went from a team of 8 seniors to a team of 22! We’ll dive into exactly what a spokesmodel team is and how they can help grow your senior photography business at a rapid rate. 

    Exactly how you should structure your team to get the MOST out of your spokesmodel program - what do you give to the spokesmodels? What do they do for you? I’ll cover how to think like a senior and ensure they are EXCITED about representing your business. 

    I take education very seriously, and am known for my no-fluff approach to online learning. Here's just some of what you can expect to learn in this jam-packed, free challenge:

    Day 1:

    INTRO TO Senior spokesmodel teams

    Day 2:


    Now that you have a team structure in place, it’s time to build your spokesmodel application! I’ll break down exactly which questions to ask and how to ask them to ensure you have a thorough application process when selecting who should represent your business.

    Day 3:

    Building an application

    How do you know that a senior is going to make a valuable spokesmodel and bring more income to your business? How do you determine who will make the team and who won’t? In this lesson I will break down how to screen through your applicants to ensure you are making the right selections. 

    It’s time to start marketing your application to your audience! In this lesson I will break down the BIGGEST mistake I see senior photographers making that is causing their teams to fail...and how to fix it with the exact marketing strategy I use in my business. 

    Day 4:

    Selecting your team

    Day 5:

    Marketing your application

    And nope, there's no catch! This 5-day challenge is my free gift to you to help you build the senior photography biz you've always dreamed of. From applications to marketing to spokesmodel team structure, we are going to cover it ALL inside this challenge. And, even better? You get a community of HUNDREDS of photographers from all over the country supporting you and completing the course alongside you.
    Whatcha waitin' for?! Just drop your email below and you're IN!

    join the Free challenge!

    The spokesmodel challenge




      did someone say...

      Workbooks + resources to complement the daily lessons
      Access to the Facebook community of THOUSANDS of photographers from all around the globe to support you 
      Continued access to Hope in the online community to answer your questions throughout the week
      & more! 

        Workbooks + resources to complement the daily lessons

        Access to the Facebook community of HUNDREDS of photographers from all around the globe to support you 

        Continued access to Hope in the online community to answer your questions 

        REAL, uncut footage of Hope working with a senior she has NEVER worked with before

        & more!

        The hope taylor professional bio


        I can still remember the days I sat in my high school classroom with a head full of big dreams. I was answering emails on my phone under the desk, skipping dances and pep rallies for meetings and hustling hard to make my dreams a reality. I had no idea if being a full-time business owner was even a possibility…but I knew that I was going to hustle harder than ever to make it happen. 

        In the last 10+ years, I have been through so many seasons of business: seasons of doubt and insecurity, seasons of never feeling good enough, seasons of not knowing how in the world I was going to make this work and seasons where I was ready to give up. Wherever you are right now, however you are feeling, I’ve been there. I see you. And I am cheering you on every step of the way.

        Through hard work and hustle and a whole lot of learning, I’ve been able to build a six-figure photography business doing what I love every day. And, even better: I have my LIFE back. I’ve implemented workflows and resources that allow me to be in control of my business, instead of my business controlling me.

        With a passion for business strategy and marketing, and a heart for education, I want to provide you with the practical tools and knowledge you need to grow a successful, profitable business built in service and love.  


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